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Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah Marketplace Health Insurance Onboarding Guide

Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah Marketplace Health Insurance Onboarding Guide

Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah

To get the most out of your Marketplace policy with Regence, we recommend doing following:

  1. (REQUIRED) Make your binder payment by logging into your Regence member account here. (If you don't have one, you'll need to register for a new account.) Navigate to the billing and payment sections and follow instructions from there. Note: If you selected your plan using LegUp Health's Healthsherpa tool, you can sign in here and follow instructions to make your binder payment(s).
  2. Register your online account here.
  3. Set up autopayment if you have not already. Log into your Regence member account. Navigate to the billing and payment sections and follow instructions from there.
  4. Download the Regence Mobile App on Google or Apple.
  5. Increase your peace of mind by confirming your out-of-pocket maximums via the mobile app or via your LegUp Health dashboard.
  6. Configure your no-or-low-cost virtual care options.
  7. Familiarize yourself with your pharmacy options
  8. Bookmark your provider lookup tool and map out nearby in-network facilities.
  9. Familiarize yourself with free preventive services like screenings and exams.
  10. Consider participating in free personal health improvement programs.
  11. See if you can save money with member discounts.
  12. Earn cashback by taking advantage of wellness tools.

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